
fine leaf Learn more about fine leaf

  • The difference between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid (picture and text)

    The difference between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid (picture and text)

    Generally speaking, cold orchid refers to winter flowering winter cold orchid, its florescence is mostly concentrated in mid-late October to December, according to its different characteristics is divided into big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid, the following talk about the difference between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid. ...

  • The distinction between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid

    The distinction between big-leaf cold orchid and fine-leaf cold orchid

    The big leaf cold orchid and the fine leaf cold orchid in Yifeng Orchid Garden are not distinguished by the length and width of the leaves (that is to say, there are small leaves in the big leaves, and tall plants also appear in the fine leaves). It is distinguished by whether the petals (especially the holding petals) have a covering wheel, whether the background color of the tongue petal is white, and whether the orchid root is stout.

  • Where can I sell fine leaf awn seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Where can I sell fine leaf awn seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Fine leaf awn is a kind of perennial herb, which is generally clumpy. By the side of the road, this plant is very common and keeps growing every year. In autumn, there will be spikes of deep pink flowers. When the breeze blows, it looks particularly beautiful. Such as

    2020-11-27 Fine leaves awn seeds where have sell raise seedlings methods which
  • How to maintain the fine-leaf cherry through the winter

    How to maintain the fine-leaf cherry through the winter

    As a matter of fact, the cold resistance of Sakura is quite good. It can grow healthily when it can be five degrees below zero or even ten degrees below zero in winter. There is no problem that the fine-leaf Sakura in many northern regions can spend the whole cold winter in the open air. But I want Sakura to be healthier and more beautiful.

  • What kinds of orchids are there? is it expensive?

    What kinds of orchids are there? is it expensive?

    What kinds of orchids are there? is it expensive?

  • What is Magnolia paniculata?

    What is Magnolia paniculata?

    What is Magnolia paniculata?

  • The main varieties of Cymbidium paniculata

    The main varieties of Cymbidium paniculata

    The fine-leaf gentleman orchid is also called the garden gentleman orchid, it has many varieties, mainly has the fine leaf yellow flower gentleman orchid, the fine leaf white flower gentleman orchid, the fine leaf safflower gentleman orchid three varieties. The names of these three kinds of flowers are based on the color of other flowers, and we can distinguish them according to the color of the flowers when they bloom.

  • Brief details of appreciation of Han Orchid

    Brief details of appreciation of Han Orchid

    Spring Jian Dian he 19th China (Wenjiang) Lanbo Gold Award is the only rare good variety in Sichuan Spring Jian Lotus petal that does not mix with other Spring Jian Lotus petals. The leaf surface of this grass has very obvious characteristics of the dragon head. When the foil is high, it can grow to more than 50 centimeters high. The flower color is also very gorgeous, and the petals are shaped like lotus petals. ...

  • Pictures of Magnolia angustifolia Culture method

    Pictures of Magnolia angustifolia Culture method

    The leaves of Cymbidium are narrow, narrow leaves. Then it has the attribute of gentleman orchid. Fine leaf gentleman orchid, also known as Gadeng gentleman orchid. The height of the plant is generally 80-130 mm. The leaves are bright green, 350-900 mm long, 25-60 mm wide, very narrow

  • Chunlan Yu Butterfly Picture: how does Chunlan Yu Butterfly smell the most? How much is the remaining butterfly in Chunlan?

    Chunlan Yu Butterfly Picture: how does Chunlan Yu Butterfly smell the most? How much is the remaining butterfly in Chunlan?

    I butterfly each flower, not the same, each is brilliant, for the spring orchid chrysanthemum petal strange flower first. The leaves of the remaining butterflies are long 25~35cm and wide 1cm, the central leaf is thin 0.6cm, the leaf posture is oblique, the semi-mature seedling is erect, and the leaf tip, occasionally the middle part of the leaf is buckled, the end of the old leaf is curved, the vein is flat, the leaf groove is shallow, and the leaf margin of the new leaf is curled.

  • Jialong Chunlan

    Jialong Chunlan

    Also known as Jiaolong, it was elected by Ailan people in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province in 1920. The tight edge is thick, the tongue is good, and the bone strength is no less than that of Wang Zi. From time to time, those who have long feet will spend less. The leaf posture is semi-vertical, the leaf groove is shallow, the leaf surface is flat, the leaf color is light green, the leaf foot is thin, the leaf tip is fine, the leaf edge is very fine, the leaf quality is soft and thin, the leaf edge has the line dragon, the new bud leaf is erect.

  • How to control fine stripe disease of rice

    How to control fine stripe disease of rice

    Rice bacterial leaf streak is referred to as rice fine leaf streak, which is an important disease in rice production in China. The pathogen belongs to Monosporium flavum, which invades from the stomata of leaves, and the disease can occur in any growth period of rice. The disease spot is a short and thin narrow stripe, and the stripes appear between the leaf veins. according to the light observation, the disease spot is translucent, waterlogged, and turns red in the later stage, and there are a large number of bacteria on the spot, especially on the back of the leaf, it is not easy to fall off when dry. Due to the lack of disease resistance combinations in hybrid rice, and the wide occurrence area and uneven distribution of diseases, it brings great difficulties to seed quarantine.

  • Why do fine-leaf cigar flowers burst into pots?

    Why do fine-leaf cigar flowers burst into pots?

    Hearing this name, you can see that this flower must have something to do with cigars. Of course, this flower does not produce cigars, but its appearance is very similar to cigars, so it gets its name. Fine-leaf cigar flowers are actually quite easy to raise, grasp the following points to breed, it will definitely burst the basin.

  • Criteria for evaluation of Clivia

    Criteria for evaluation of Clivia

    Over the years, people in the purchase of high-grade Clivia, more than the merits of the leaves to decide whether to choose, basically do not consider flowers and other conditions. Therefore, the evaluation standard of Clivia is of course based on leaves. To sum up, there are mainly + articles

  • Cuilu Chunlan

    Cuilu Chunlan

    Chunlan, plum petal, famous products. History: it was produced in Liuheng Island, Zhoushan in 1993. Huang Xiaojin and Yu Canyin were selected and named. Features: the leaf length of "Cuilu" can reach 45cm, the widest part of the leaf is 0.8cm, the foot of the leaf is very fine, the leaf of the new grass is oblique, the old grass is curved gradually from the upper part of the leaf nail, and the end of the leaf is mostly flat.

  • How to make Hanlan put fragrance and smell fragrance

    How to make Hanlan put fragrance and smell fragrance

    Douban strange flower, color contrast is good, stretch degree, publicity does not break the rules, petal tongue numerous and orderly. Won the gold medal at the 10th Yunnan Orchid Exhibition in 2010.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of fine-leaf cigar flowers

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of fine-leaf cigar flowers

    If we want to raise this kind of flower, we can use the right amount of river sand, peat soil and perlite to prepare good draining soil for it. In addition, we need to give it the right amount of water and enough light to ensure that it can grow better. Finally, we should prune it in time so that it can grow healthier and more luxuriantly.

  • How to distinguish the fine leaf stone fairy peach

    How to distinguish the fine leaf stone fairy peach

    Rhizome: rhizome creeping, 1-3 cm apart will form a pseudobulb, narrowly ovate to ovate-oblong. Leaf blade: growing at the tip, linear-lanceolate or linear, papery, margin revolute. Flowers: flowers are small, yellowish or white. Fruit: capsule Obovate, ca. 6-8 mm, ca. 4-5 mm.

  • Xinghai butterfly lotus petal

    Xinghai butterfly lotus petal

    Star sea butterfly, also known as Xin sea butterfly, is a famous product of fine leaf lotus petal orchid three-star butterfly. The leaf length is 20-30CM, the leaf width is about 0.6CM, the leaf quality is fine, waxy and glossy, the leaf number is less than other lotus orchids, generally 5, the leaf tip is twisted, the buds are purple-red, and the color remains basically unchanged from the unearthed to the open. After the small bud of this product is opened.

  • About Han Lan

    About Han Lan

    Jian Lan Cui'e, descended from the mountain in 2006, the flower diameter is about 4cm, a new variety.
